Hey Hey opening this up for folks, remember to read the do's and don'ts before requesting a fic to be written out! I feel like writing stuff for my sourcemates as I'm both Stanley and Alt!Gabriel irl WILL DO : -shipping prompts [unless it includes any variant of Mark, Cesar, or any versions of the alternates with eachother. don't request Gabriel × Alt!Gabriel either, Gabriel is my brother. /srs] -Fluff [platonic, maybe romantic depending] -AU prompts [I'm a sucker for caretaker Alt!Gabriel stuff so feel free to ask for one of those!] -angst or hurt comfort and more WILL NOT DO : -nsfw [against creator boundaries and my own.] -problematic shipping -oc × mark, cesar or any alternates -× readers [unless platonic] please ask if you're unsure if your request may be alright or not!All Rights Reserved