Chapter one You never saw it coming. There's a guy at your school and his name is Jake. Jake is your best guy friend (considering he's the only one ). When you first met him you thought that he was gay because he was so optimistic. Later you found out that he was straight and that he was really nice and funny. You became friends from there on and he was in a few of your classes too. Jake had a low soothing voice and made everyone around him feel nice because he just has These good vibes. During break in the morning you and your friends like to hang out by the music room. Where the school has a darkish hallway that's not very crowded. Every day you and your friends go there and talk for 15minutes for break. Usually you talk about random things like what last nights dream was or your score on your chemistry test. Today you talked with jake who was sometimes not there with you and your friends.All Rights Reserved