when I was 15 I was possessed by two spirits of vengeance. Dr strange gave me a amulet to keep them suppressed but soon it wasn't enough, so he gave me pills but instead of medicine it was the Mists of Morpheus and Vapors of Valtorr or whatever the hell their complicated names are, to put it simply, stuff to make the spirit's of vengeance go nap time, as they use their power to protect their host, me, from any physical and even mystical damage, and it works 99% of the time. the only times when they don't work is when they sense a great amount of sin. which would be great.... if my town didn't have supervillains and heroes around EVERY DAMN CORNER! that's right I live in New York specifically, I'm the adopted cousin to my best friend, Penny Parker and her Aunt May or as I know her, Mom. This is only the beginning of the ULTIMATE HELL RIDER !
I do not own Marvel or Disney or DC Comics or anything in this book - Sirkeven100
You don't know how or why, but you've been isekai'd into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Although your first instinct is to stay far away from the plot, you've been blessed with an abnormal amount of cursed energy, and for better or worse, you find yourself sucked into the storyline. You decide that you may as well use your newfound powers for the greater good, and if you're lucky, you might succeed in rewriting some of the characters' fates. But it turns out that your presence in this world is even bigger deal than you first thought, and soon, everyone wants to make you theirs.