In the year 2025, anthropomorphic beings known as furries arrived in our world through a otherworldly portal, and while humans were hesitant about their presence at first, they finally accepted them as official citizens of Earth. Since then, life on earth has truly changed a lot. A couple of years have passed and both humans & furries have been peacefully living amongst each other, but life wasn't perfect for everyone. Sean is a young adult human with an amazing personality and overall perfect physical health, but he's been on his own ever since his hateful and harsh parents threw him out when he was a teen and replaced him with a furry as their new child. Sean's parents weren't the only abusive ones for Sean suffered many other brutal beatings, insults, and humiliations inflicted by furries and humans alike who bullied him. This was until a single dragon furry with a motherly heart whom he befriended decided to take care of him not just as a friend, but as his adoptive guardian. While the harassment ended before he finished grade school, he never went out after dark. However when a normal day at work takes a terrible turn and nearly takes his life, 2 fans take action and save him. Both of the girls and Sean quickly fall for each other. Sean quickly returns the favor by saving the girls from a dangerous situation. However, because of his sudden heroism, Sean managed to redirect his lonesome fate. When more girls enter the life of Sean Grey, will he manage to find enough bravery to follow his heart or will temptation get the best of him?
*This Story Begins With a Prologue Which Contains Multiple TimeSkips!*
A Maybank and A Cameron? It's almost like a modern Romeo and Juliet. It's forbidden for them to be together. Could be the end of the world.
The stolen glances, the hidden feelings, the unspoken words, the secret meetings and the obvious hatred towards each other followed by constant conflicts and some hidden past that threatened them but there are always invisible strings tied and pulling them together no matter how hard the tides trying to pull and part them away from each other.