Rebecca Wheeler:A Redhead girl who is the (Leader) of the Golden Girls she's a Gryffindor her best friends are Marlene Mckinnon & Lily Evens they are also apart of the Golden Girls. She has two sides her good/loyal side and her bad/scary side you do not ant to get on her bad side because of you do you will end up in the hospital wing she has been thought a lot she's not mean or anything like that she's just broken she's also a haftblood. There is one person in the whole school who she hates and there name is James Potter the reason why she hates him is because he won't stop asking her out & even though she says no each time he still asks her out. James Potter:A boy who is the (Leader of the Marauders) you could say the other people who are in the Marauders are Remus Lupin,Siruis Black & Peter Pettigrew Everyone knows that he is in love with Rebecca Wheeler. Who he likes to refer her as (Wheeler,Becca,Darling,Love) he literally knows everything about her like her full name is Rebecca Lara Wheeler,Her birthday which is February 11th 1960 & much more. The first thing he noticed about Rebecca is her eyes her ocean blue eyes then her hair her strawberry blonde shoulder length hair.All Rights Reserved