Note: I allow little, let alone ANY adaptation/remix of this work to involve NSFW content, outdated/overused slang (because I'm getting tired of hearing it, to be honest), problematic shipping, AND anything let alone EVERYTHING else disgusting and controversial. Sorry if that sounded forceful, but I had to warn everyone here.
Koopas and Nixels team up to turn various characters young so they can't stop them and other villains in their plan, so now the people turned young has to stop them. A collaboration with Glitchy Yoshi, albeit one that will not be continued.
What if rimuru was instead reborn as a primordial demon the strongest in combat and intelligence.
He reincarnated just before Star king dragon Veldanava created the omniverse; it was nothing but a void, his soul being exposed just a little to turn null made his soul undergo a change. Making him an individual with a high evolutionary potential