In a small town of Tulsa, Oklahoma a young greaser by the name of Izzy Johnson struggles with her everyday teenage life. Constantly fighting off socs, her drunk dad, dealing drugs, getting abused by her boyfriend, & hanging out with her 7 greaser gang friends from their hood. Being 17 & a parole junky, & in juvenile hall constantly, Izzy wants something more for her life other than wild parties, rumbles, violence, & being bullied cause she is different. She just wants to be free from the hell she calls home. Izzy has learned to grow up in a mean world & fend for herself. Her best friend Johnny Cade that she has known for years, is the only person she can truly talk to about her life. No one else. They spend every night at the park watching the stars & talking about what they want. Johnny has always been there for her & tells her how much he cares about her. Will there be a love connection between these two greasers? Or will someone else come along and steal this bad girls heart?
in which charlotte carrera finds herself more conflicted than she has ever been in her entire life.
rafe cameron x fem! oc || seasons one + two + three of outer banks!
started: 08.14.21
finished: tbd