Drug use, Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol use, Talk of suicide & Sex⚠⚠ Some of these topics may not be for everyone and may even bring up others personal trauma so this is a Warning ❤
This is my true life story. AD (Addicts Daughter) My parents battled Heroin/drug addiction my childhood wasn't like my peers I grew up in Cleveland Ohio then moved to a new city where families were very different from mine. Less troublesome I guess you would say. So wattpad this is my story I hope someone reads it and likes it!
I'll be Anonymous on wattpad but this story is very true it's actually based on my life. Real stories. Real events. Real trauma. With every story of my childhood that I can't share with anyone IRL because my upbringing wasn't like everyone else around me. But I know their are others out there who can relate. I'm writing this chapter by chapter when I have the time. And sorting out the timeline of my life events.
I'm now 23 a mother of 2 and still overcoming a lot of things from my own childhood & still trying to understand it all myself.
Any comments or questions feel free to comment them❤ I hope to share my story in hopes of having others to relate to and to give hope and strength to others as well.
Thank you for reading :)