Be careful to what you wish or said while on dying breath! What if Satoru Mikami respond to Voice of the World because he think it's one of the way of entertaining dying man? This is my head cannon version :p Because of the encounter on the transit between world this version of our Rimuru Tempest had to take the silly punishment from Voice of the World. Though this fanfiction begin with the though; What if Satoru spit some comment to the Voice of the World in his dying breath more than what done in the official story line. Because of that interaction with Voice of the World, instead reincarnated with two Unique Skill (Predator and Great Sage) he is reincarnated with three Ultimate Skill (Raphael, Beelzebuth, and Uriel). This is just fanfiction, so yeah. Let's show what I though would be nice, if its not up to your taste its normal. Hahahah... Its my flavor after all.
11 parts