{NO SHIPS} {I DONT KNOW ENGLISH WERY MUCH SO I WILL USE TRADUCCTOR SOME TIMES TO WRITE THIS} Elizabeth found's a old journal and for curiosity ends up invoking a demon. A pink one with a pink hat. Well that does not matter right now, that does matter now, is that elizabeth wants a contract with her. - I want you as my servant, in return i will give my soul until my last breath in this world - Eehhh that of eating souls is not my thing, i don't think i need to eat that - ¿Really? She said, alived her soul isn't going to be a demon's dinner. With curiosity she asked the pink triangle. - Well.. ¿What do you want then? The demon thinked and said to the little girl. - It's gonna be embaresed but.. ¿How about a friend?All Rights Reserved