This is a collection of articles and theories (written by me) of the game called Genshin Impact. This book has spoilers of the plot and is also focused on the tiniest details of the very complicated lore of Genshin Impact. For now, there's not going to be any specific day on when a new chapter will be out; I don't want to make this a burdain for me to carry. I want to keep this as a nice hobby. The topics of each chapter are decided by me. You can send me suggestions in the comments, if you'd like to hear about one specific thing. The information of the topics are directly from Genshin Impact or from the Genshin Wiki. If used other sources, they will be mentioned at the end. Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy reading some fun and innocent Genshin theories and then also coming to realize that the sweet anime game isn't that sweet at all... Also I apologize for the possible spelling mistakes, sometimes I'm just too lazy to get everything 100% correct (the text is still readable, though). Cover is a screenshot from Genshin Impact.All Rights Reserved