11 parts Ongoing In a world inspired by the legendary Warrior Cats series, meet Small-a scrappy loner living in a barn, waiting for his sister to return with food. Hungry and desperate, he makes the bold decision to hunt for the first time, unaware that his instincts may lead him astray.
As he ventures into the unknown, Small unwittingly crosses into CloudClan territory-a place he knows nothing about. Before he can realize the danger, he is caught by a sharp-eyed CloudClan apprentice and a wary warrior. Faced with the unexpected, Small must choose between fleeing or following his captors to their camp.
In the heart of CloudClan, Small discovers a world of camaraderie, rules, and fierce loyalty, where every cat has a story. As he navigates this new environment, he must learn the ways of the Clans while grappling with his own survival instincts. Can Small find his place among these fierce warriors, or will his past as a lonely scavenger hold him back?