[1 Year HAITUS] {Updated on: 08/21/23}
Roses 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚍, Violets 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚕𝚞𝚎
Sugar 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 and perhaps 𝚜𝚘 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞
But those roses have ᵂᴵᴸᵀᴱᴰ - The Violets are ᴰᴱᴬᴰ,
The sugar bowls ᴱᴹᴾᵀᵞ - And your ᵂᴿᴵˢᵀˢ are ˢᵀᴬᴵᴺᴱᴰ ᴿᴱᴰ.
The sun ᴵˢᴺ'ᵀ ᶜᴸᴱᴬᴿ,
There's ᴺᴼ ˢᴵᴸᵛᴱᴿ ᴸᴵᴺᴵᴺᴳ cause you're ᴺᴼ ᴸᴼᴺᴳᴱᴿ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ.
Rain ᴷᴱᴱᴾˢ ᴼᴺ ᴾᴼᵁᴿᴵᴺᴳ, - There's ᴺᴼ ᴱᴺᴰ in sight,
You're laying there, ᶠᴿᴼᶻᴱᴺ - ˢᴼ ᶠᴬᴿ from the ᴸᴵᴳᴴᵀ.
Your ᴮᴱᴬᵁᵀᵞ'ˢ unreal, - Your ˢᴹᴵᴸᴱ like sun,
But time ᶜᴬᴺᵀ be turned ᴺᴼᴿ actions ᵁᴺᴰᴼᴺᴱ.
The ᵂᴼᴿᴰˢ that you wrote that ᴼᴺᴸᵞ I read,
"I love you ˢᴼ ᴹᵁᶜᴴ, please don't cry when I'm ᴰᴱᴬᴰ".
A ᴮᴼᴺᴰ that we ᶠᴼᴿᴹᴱᴰ, - A ᴸᴼᵛᴱ that ran ᴰᴱᴱᴾ,
A ᴾᴬᴵᴺ that we ˢᴴᴬᴿᴱᴰ, - A ᶠᴿᴵᴱᴺᴰ I could ᴷᴱᴱᴾ.
I ᵂᴬᴺᵀᴱᴰ to ᴴᴼᴸᴰ ᵞᴼᵁ, - ᵂᴵᴾᴱ the ᵀᴱᴬᴿˢ from your ᴱᵞᴱˢ,
Been ᵀᴴᴱᴿᴱ the moment you said your ᴳᴼᴼᴰᴮᵞᴱˢ.
I ᵂᴬᴺᵀ to ᶠᴼᴿᴳᴱᵀ - But most times ᴵ ᴰᴼᴺ'ᵀ,
I ᵂᴬᴺᵀ to ᴸᴱᵀ ᴳᴼ, - But I know that ᴵ ᵂᴼᴺᵀ.
ᵀᴱᴬᴿˢ on my ᶠᴬᶜᴱ, - ᴹᴱᴹᴼᴿᴵᴱˢ ᴮᵁᴿᴺᴱᴰ in my ᴴᴱᴬᴰ,
The roses ᴴᴬᵛᴱ ᵂᴵᴸᵀᴱᴰ, - The violets ᴬᴿᴱ ᴰᴱᴬᴰ,
Please ˢᵀᴬᵞ with me - Till' we reunite ᴬᴳᴬᴵᴺ.
A girl named "Jiah Cheong" goes on an adventure with Dokja with Junghyeok and his friends until she was no longer seen in their sights.
WARNING: The novel belongs to Singsong. Shingsong, or SingNsong except "Jiah Cheong"
This is NOT orv X oc!!
This is orv x reader!!