i only updates this when i have 💡 if mikey have sanzu and draken, izana have kakucho and shinchiro have takeomi then why emma cant have it too?? y/n , emma loyal servant u can say that.. she do everything emma say... protect emma until the last of her breath... "oii!! how dare u touch my king!!! " i kill u.. " "if u touch her hair even though its little.. i cut ur hand and feed it to dog" "who say if im not blood related cant protect someone who not family.... i protect girl even though they beat me i never go.. they are my priority...dont touch anygirl here!! this is my place even though im not in there when u touch anygirl in another country... im searching u like worm u are!!! remember that!!! " "u ask why im loyal to them? its simple they are my species.. i hate see when they hurt.. " " i don't beat women even though im women and delinquent myself" "emma!! how dare u kisaki!! remember this i kill u without mercy ... this is my promise!!!" "hina chan if ur boyfriend hurt u tell me i kill him.. ok"All Rights Reserved