It is a story that mixes fiction and reality, and tells the story of a group of high school students from all over the world who could not get into high-quality colleges, so they searched for a free scholarship for them, and ended up on an island far from their home, which is their new place of study, where It is owned by a wealthy businessman and the purpose of this institution is to produce high quality students, but it will not be easy for these students. Huge difficulties and very difficult challenges await them, times of sadness over the separation of loved ones, and other times of joy in success
Liz is an unclaimed kid with no family and no idea of who she is.
Her only home is Camp Half-Blood
When Camp is at risk of being in the middle of a war because of the Gods that don't care about her, she will not sit back and watch as it happens.
Violence-Curses-Deaths-mentions of suic!des-suic!des attempts