Code Lyoko follows the adventures of four children who discover a virtual world inhabited by a diabolical AI, and take it upon themselves to defend Earth from it. They must enlist the help of a pink-haired girl to do so, and deal with their double lived as boarding school students at the same time.
Code Lyoko is a science fiction, action and comedy series that follows four boarding school students enrolled at Kadic Academy: Odd, Ulrich, Yumi, and Jeremy, who discover an Artificial Intelligence unit, Aelita, who is the sole inhabitant of a digital world known as Lyoko. The Supercomputer that houses Lyoko is also inhabited by an evil program called X.A.N.A, which plots for unknown reasons on destroying and taking over humanity. Our heroes must then escourt Aelita to the activated towers, saving Earth in the process of deactivating them. X.A.N.A develops many different strategies to try and kill the group, and eventually learn with time to become stronger than ever, making it a real challenge. During this time, the main characters deal with their school lives, fall in love, make rivals, yell at each other, go crazy, and generally learn to deal with their split lives.
(Basically a stories with lots of chapters where I'll be writting a script of the entire series. I'll try my best, and I hope you enjoy!)