The mysterious destruction of Planet Vegeta, homeworld of the now nearly extinct Saiyan race, was a devastating event that sent shockwaves across those lucky few who survived. One of these lucky survivors that avoided annihilation at the hand of a meteor was a mid-class warrior named Y,N. The Saiyan made a living with fellow Saiyans Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz in destroying entire planets' populations and then selling the bare shell to the highest bidder. However, unlike his fellow warriors, Y,N adopted a steadfast principle that made most of his teammates sneer or snicker with disdain. Unlike the other three that would utilize dirty tactics if their backs were pushed against the wall, Y,N stood by his belief that being an honorable warrior made the victory sweeter. His "foolish notion" was a constant source of ridicule and revile among his peers, yet he never faltered in upholding this principle. Eventually, the four Saiyans came across a planet with higher defenses and weapons, which meant to make sure the pulverization of the population wouldn't drag on; it would require another Saiyan. It was only then that the weakest of the group, Raditz, remembered his younger brother Kakarot, who was sent away as a baby to destroy the population of a planet called "Earth." Despite some scornful remarks from Vegeta and rather harsh words from Nappa, both Raditz and Y,N were sent to collect Kakarot. Yet before leaving, the Saiyan Prince smugly told the two weakest members of the quartet that if they failed to procure Kakarot and returned empty-handed, they would perish by his hands. With the prince's threat hanging over their heads, the two Saiyan warriors entered their space-pods, set off towards Earth, and switched on their cyro-sleep, neither knowing of the adventure they were about to be taken on. What was supposed to be a simple, if not asinine, collection mission was going to perilously transform into an epic odyssey rife with danger, action, friendship, and romance.All Rights Reserved
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