" w-what the fuck... w-what the f-fuck...... " his breath hunched as he tried to relax himself dueto to the shock he was currently in he didnt know what exactly to do, he was crawled into the corner as he wrapped his legs to get he was complete cocoon right now, trying to process what he just encounter he saw it right corner he saw it he saw them doing it he caught them red handed he is the witness that saw them doing that, and he knew he was their next target .. " i -i h-have to get be safe b-be a-alert t-they m-might c-catch m-me. W-what am i thinking i-i should pretend like nothing happened and keep it myself, i-i dont want to die. -they dont know me, i am sure they didnt see me, so i will pretend that i didnt see not know them. Then everything will go like it used to." He said to himself as he started cooling down. What did he saw that terrified him this much that he didnt know what exactly to do. Have you seen someone murdering, so coldly that you will end up being so terrified that you yourself will question your own sanity. Naruto was witness who saw it, and those seven where coming to get him, make him watch these till he himself become like them Will they kill naruto Or It is a love that even normal human wont get to know Whom were they murdering Was they related to blonde in one way or other or its just a mere coincidenceAll Rights Reserved