This story exists in an alternate universe of the Classic Spyro series. Cynder and my OC, Ronald, will be here too. Don't worry, Cynder won't be in a relationship with Spyro because she is seventeen years old and is already in a relationship with Ronald who is nineteen years old. Ronald belongs to the IceFlap tribe and Cynder belongs to NightFlap tribe. Ronald is a Prince Of The IceFlap tribe while Cynder is a Peasant Of The NightFlap tribe but she can read minds and see the future. Cynder is no longer a Peasant and is now a Princess because she's married to Prince Ronald. I don't own Spyro, I only own my OCs. Ronald is a white unicorn and dragon hybrid that is the same shape as Cynder. Cynder is a black dragon. Ember belongs to MagicFlap tribe. Bubble belongs to the DirtFlap tribe. Bluestone belongs to SilkFlap tribe. Yellowsteel belongs to the BeachFlap tribe. Flame belongs to the FireFlap tribe. Volt belongs to ElecticCornua Tribe. This version of my OC, Ronald, is different from the one in my remake of the Legend Of Spyro series in FanFiction.Net