chapter1 hi my name is christine allyza vanessa veronica C. tuazon de kapuain I am 17yrs. old , I am I new student in malacanyang philipines university. chapter2(at school) matty,s P.O.V hi miss what is your name? christine,s P.O.V I am christine allyza vanessa veronica C.tuazon de kapuain matty,s P.O.V what a long pretty name so , see you around christine. chapter4(at the coffee shop) christine,s P.O.V hi miss I would like extra large mocha chocolate CHIP latte and a chocolate cake. cashier girl,s P.O.V anything else? christine,s P.O.V no just that (stacey came at CS#coffee shop) stacey,s P.O.V hi christine you are the new student in class right christine,s P.O.V ummm yes I am christine,s P.O.V come sit with me. *that,s for it now but I promise that this story will be complete thanks*