Blonde locks, that's what she has taken from her mother, or that's what I'm told. Grey brown eyes, more of hazel with a pinch of grey and green , to show who she belongs to.
Button, turn-up, defined nose showcases it's self on her face, I have yet to find a name for this kind of nose.
Defined and sharp jaw, high held cheek bones, long delicate lashes shadowing her cheeks.
Full plump and pouty , in addition to it the red color, definitely forms Voluptuous volume lips.
This is all I know about her , no name, no age...... nothing.
Well, from all the details I know , or you could say I'm told, she has her mother's hair and a bit of iris hue, rest all is the replica of me.
"You do know how to eat a burger, right?"
Summer rolled her eyes, looking up at him with feigned exasperation. "Of course I do," she retorted, then lowered her voice as she leaned in, her expression shifting to one of genuine concern. "Do you think they have a fork and knife? So I can, you know... cut it?"
Robby Keene x fem!oc
cobra kai season 3-6