3 parts Complete MatureFive co-workers and a guide struggle with a creature, a live relic from the past and from another dimensional plane. The creature is simultaneously lizard and birdlike, while also having anthropoidic characteristics. Once upon a time, this alien race made contact with a lost human Civilization in the region. The two races initially made an alliance, but the greed of some of the humans caused a war to erupt. The discovery and cursory inspection of the cave by one of the characters results in an impromptu, amateur tour. During the journey through the cave one of the co-workers, through a combination of stubbornness, curiosity and willfulness, becomes separated. He stumbles upon a cache of interesting artifacts inside of an oddly inhuman room with alien technology. It is in these confines where he unlocks the being whose last memories of human interaction are still freshly stinging its memory. The group grapples through the tenuous caves trying to escape the creature's vengeful wrath. The ensuing mad flight from the cave to relative safety results in a battle for survival.