Chelsea; My Big, Fat, Fabulous Love By Nwachukwu Christopher Ishioma Avwerosuo
39 parts Ongoing Chelsea is a 23 year old young lady, who has been constantly body shamed, to the extent that she has almost loose her confidence and become depressed. She discovers that she has to love herself first, before others can, and shouldn't let the words of others shape her destiny. She meets someone, who will change her view about people, and show her people are not all that bad.
She meets Dennis a handsome young man, who she thinks is out of her League, but he showed her that love has no league, it does not matter your shape, color, size, culture, religion and race, and that everyone deserves love.
Although they started up, lesser than friends, they became best friend and so much more and in love. He was persistent in his pursuit of her and in his wish of winning her love, he was committed to her.Through his love, Chelsea gain the courage she needed to strive. She gain not only a friend, but Soulmate. It was fate that brought them together, can it keep them together?