I once lived a peaceful and loving life well until thing got complicated. -- My parents used to love each other until financial problems started to pile itself on our small but once peaceful family, with my mother becoming agitated starts drinking and well you guessed it, starts abusing me but with my father protecting me whenever chance he has due to him working non-stop to provide for us, while mother spends away on father's earned money. -- They have a argument that leads to mother leaving with me and my dad, he shuts himself from me from what I can remember, he keeps to himself and continues to work while all I can do it make him breakfast and dinner. -- One day father doesn't arrive back one night. -- "37 year old Man die's from Car crash". -- "Why isn't she crying? Her father died and yet she looks so heartless" -- Am I heartless? Is it my fault he died? Why aren't I crying? I'm sad though. But I can't even produce a single salty tear? What is wrong with me? Please tell me father... - -- --- I come back home. I go to bed, And go to sleep but I can't help but feel as though something of a miracle is about to happen... Why is that? - -- Was this a joke? I was reincarnated into my favourite novel! how cliched... this is so boring.. why did I have to reincarnate. Oh I forgot I was sent her for a reason. sigh* How troublesome but may as well embrace my new life! - -- --- ---- ----- What is gonna happen next? What is the miracle she speaks of? Will something good really happen? How will life be for her now? How will things turn out from now on? How will life be for Hannah now? -- Picture of cover is not by me and all credits are the Illustrator that made this I am merely using for now. Pls if you know then I would happy to know the name or the artist so I could give credits to them. - Originally created by me (obviously) I'm kinda of a noob writer so please forgive me.All Rights Reserved