Deep within the Faetyen Woods.
Legend tells of a strange passage into a stranger world. The nomads of natural magics don't even traval near the area, fearing a seldom rumored cursed call.
A swamp of miasmic energy weaving the air, a perpetual near darkness housing eldritch and nasty creatures. Misshaping the world around it, travelers disappear or adventurers seek its challenge.
The Paladin Order of Dea seeks to dominate it, discovering the portal, hoping to find a way to awaken their sleeping Goddess.
Many lost to the mission, others abandoning the Word.
Those who stayed stand in Dea's Grace of Power, maintaining her position as the Ruling Deity.
Grev'Lyn Stonebearer, a half-elf under Dea's name, returns from the sea. Eager to take his journey into the Bog.
Only to be told he's not ready.
Frustrated, he takes the journey, meeting two strangers Grev'Lyn, sees them as Dea's silent call.