This story is based off of the hit Netflix Show Stranger Things so the main character in this story Eddie Munson is fictional and completely taken from this show. As are the characters Steve, Robin, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Billy, Chrissy, Jason, Argyle and Mike.
I just note that this isn't exactly based in '86 despite the title, and you will notice this because of the use of smartphones etc throughout the story.
There are characters in Stranger Things which may not appear during the series such as Eleven as Hawkins at this time is only based on the love story between Main girl Tara and Eddie Munson of Stranger Things therefore the upside down doesn't exist. Because the characters are based off mainly the season 4 cast, I haven't included Will, Joyce, Enzo, Murray or Hopper as they weren't with the rest of the group. You will notice that Billy is alive also because I loved his character on the series plus as the upside down doesn't exist, he wouldn't have been killed and he was an essential part of this story as he had to be a villain. Other villains that have appeared in the show like vecna and papa obviously will not make an appearance.
There will be themes of sex, sexual assault, violence, drugs and alcohol in this story so take precautions when reading through the chapters. The story is marked as mature as there are explicit details particularly in the describing of sex scenes.
The writing gets better as the chapters go on and the story gets a lot more interesting trust me..
What the story is about:
Eddie Munson is an outcast.
Tara moves to Hawkins High in order to start fresh. She is secretly a metal head but takes the cheerleader route as she got bullied in her old town and was labelled "freak" She finds Eddie and they fall in love but they are constantly running into trouble...