The story revolves around identical twin sisters who grew up in a happy family in spite of being poor and whose lives will be intertwined because of love, identity, deceit, ambition, and wealth when destiny teasingly compels to separate their lives. They were the result of a mistake, yet they grew up filled with love. Kara and Sara are the twin daughters of Laura and Ishmael despite of living poor. The twins love each other and they were inseparable. But everything changed when Kara was diagnosed with leukemia. They did everything just to cure Kara. But as Kara's illness get worse, the twins' relationship towards each other will be broken as Kara's condition made Sara felt as if she had no place in the family. The twins will be separated from each other for the sake of Kara being cured and they will grow up in separate lives but as years passed by they will be reunited by fate. They will discover how different each other's lives had become; one lives in a luxurious life while the other lives in a destitute life. Kara is Lucille and Antonio daughter but what Lucille does not know is that Kara is the real Daughter Of Antonio and Laura. Antonio told kara to keep her Identity a Secret from Lucille because he doesn't want to lose her but can Kara keep it a secret from her any longer because kara is her Adopted Child? Laura wants to fight for kara and make sure that Antonio doesn't take kara away from her. Antonio will always fight for his family even if taking kara away from Laura and Sara and lshmael. Kara loves Lucille with all her heart ❤️ and Afraid to hurt her also afraid of losing her. The Question is can kara keep it a secret any longer? Who will she choose to stay with? Can Lucille forgive Antonio and kara?All Rights Reserved
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