This story is about a small elf named George who lives in the village of elfs otherwise know as becán, (Irish for mushroom) and a gatherer named Clay. (Better know as Dream by close friends and family.) Dream lives in the village of survivors otherwise know as marthanóirí. (Irish for survivors) The marthanóirí had survived through the War of the Wizards in which all magic kind had to fight against the humans. The marthanóirí was the last few of the wizard kind to escape to another dimension, and the rest of the magical creatures followed the marthanóirí to create the different tribes of the draíocht (Magic in Irish.) dimension, and to this day the draíocht dimension still exists. So now that you know the history behind this strange, unknown dimension I can get to the back stories of the two. George was a baby when the war began, his parents and given him to an elf that was kind enough to raise George before sadly dying when George was 18; anyways George's parents had to say behind and fight in wizarding war. Clay was also a baby when the wizarding war had happened but his parents had went with the marthanóirí to the draíocht dimension his father died was Dream was 16 and his mother died 2 years later. Now, on to there powers; Dream can make any plant grow, sense any living creature and how far it is from him within 40 miles and heal any wound that has been made in the past 24 hours. George can grow in size his normal height is 3.4 inches tall and the limit he can grow to is 5.7 feet tall. George can also talk to animals and see on the dark. So I hope you enjoy the story and have a good day! <3All Rights Reserved