51 parts Ongoing In the heart of Tokyo, a mysterious event has wiped out the population, leaving the city desolate and overrun by twisted, demonic zombie-like creatures, murderers and many obstacles. Five teenagers, Ivy, Asher, Oliver, Daniella and Diego, all from different schools have been elected on a special trip to Tokyo, everything was going smooth until one morning they find themselves the last ones alive. Ivy's rough past taught her many things, making her fall into the natural path of becoming the 'leader' as they become a group. She guides the group as she builds her own confidence. They all use their past learnings to fend off attacks and remain safe. During their journey, they discover something that reveals everything.... Are there others like them? They face numerous challenges, from battling stronger creatures to outsmarting things that block their path. Through it all, they grow closer, their bond strengthening as they rely on themselves and each other for survival. Their ultimate goal, to break free. Their journey transforms them from isolated individuals into a united force, ready to face whatever challenges come their way, together.