Hoya Obovata Is a story that I Collab with @melonbark This is the first book from the Story Concerning The Past of Both Parties of The Main characters Hinata Shoyo & Tsukishima Kei. I have Adjusted The Story a bit and Changed some minor things about it and how I want it to be Portrayed. But I still Give Credits to M For Allowing me to Collab with her for this Story for this Lovely story She made. Now Concerning this book, I have made Readers Please Be reminded that this is a Fanfic Book whatever is written here Is not like the animation. Tsukishima Kei & Hinata Shoyo Came from an Anime Called Haikyuu Which is a Sports Anime Series. Please be concerned this book has some warnings like PHYSICAL ABUSE, BLOOD, INAPPROPRIATE WORDS etc. this is not based on a real life situation thats happening or has happened this is purely fictional. please do not read this if you are uncomfortable with this. Hoya Obovata Is a flower That I have Chosen as A title for this story as well as ストライプカーネーション (Striped carnation) Two flowers that have Meanings That I have put into this Side of the story, Hoya Obovata Mean love and devotion. Whileストライプカーネーション(Striped carnation) are a symbol of regret and refusal. This Story Consists With Four Books The First Part (Hoya Obovata), 2nd (Red Carnation), (Purple Delphinium), and Lastly (Purple Hyacinth). "Red Carnation" & "Purple Delphinium" Are Just Both Different View Points Of The Main Characters You can read Whichever Book Concerning this As Once Again These are just View Points of the Main characters of what is going on in the Story You can read on How they felt or what they thought in the moments of the Story.All Rights Reserved