One day, on a soft summer night, accompanied by thousands of sparkling stars a little girl looked up at the sky, while diamond shaped tears were running down her face, soft little droplets, that were landing on the grass below her. The girl was entirely silent. No sound was heard on the giant field of softly swaying dandelions, dancing with the wind. The girl's gaze never faltered or moved away from the stars. In contrary to her silent demeanor on the outside, was a storm roaring inside of her. Waves of thoughts trashing inside her head like a whale, stabbed by a whaler's harpoon. Anger, sadness, betrayal - the finest mix of emotions, deemed to tale the greatest of stories. Because in that night, the young girl made a promise, a promise she would never back away from, no matter what. Aurora ran. That seemed to be the only thing she was able to do lately. From home, from her family, from herself. But this time she ran away from something new. At least, she believed that she never ran away from a coven of witches before. Together with a witch that seems tho hate her guts and dragged her into this mess. But hey, at least she doesn't need to nearly murder the people at home anymore. That's great, isn't it?Todos os Direitos Reservados
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