Hestia is the Greek Goddess of the hearth fire and spiritual fire. A sacred flame was kept constantly burning for Her in Every city and in every hearth. Brighit is the Celtic Goddess of the hearth fire, a sacred flame was kept burning for Her in every hearth and as St Brigit, her sacred fire burns on in Kildare, Ireland at Her sanctuary there. Imbolc is the Celtic festival associated with Brighit. It is a festival of the quickening of life, of purification, of energising, inspiration, creativity. Brighit is the midwife of the sun, bringing the new light to birth and stirring the earth into life. Hestia is the spiritual fire in the centre of the universe as well as within us, and in our homes. She is the demiurge, the creative force, the power of Kinesis, movement. Hestia and Brighit are different cultural manifestations of the same sacred source.
My story is about Krishna and his first and favourable wife shree rukmini.
She is heart of Krishna and Krishna love him most.
So in this story you read about rukmini and Krishna's prem...π₯°π₯°π₯°π₯°
I hope you like my first story