Jennifer Callahan is known throughout Hawkins. She is best friends with Nancy Wheeler, ex-girlfriend to the infamous bad-boy Jesse, and daughter of suck-up Officer Callahan. The teenage girl is known for the good, the bad, and the ugly. But so far, she had a pretty normal-rough teenage life filled with heartbreak, trauma, and drama. Everyone in town knows Jennifer for her stubborn personality, wild behaviour, and her blue-honda. The girl is someone who people adore instantly and is kind to everyone. Unless your name is Steve Harrington. In that case, Jennifer Callahan hates your guts.
So when a string of unnatural events causes the disappearance of Will Beyers, an odd sighting of an unknown girl, and forced Jennifer Callahan and Steve Harrington together, there will be fights, tears, and possible bloodshed. But no one has prepared Jennifer for the battles she will face after she realizes there is more to Hawkins than she thought.