Arika had always been one with the waters ever since she was a little girl. A man named Eusine had always taking interest in her and talking to her about a Pokémon named Suicune. Arika had never really heard of this before, so her curiosity had taken the best of her. When she was old enough to go on a journey, she set out to find this beauty of a Pokémon Eusine really meant. She did find the legendary dog when Arika traveled to Ecruteak. Then, Eusine stabbed her in the back. Everything in that memory turned black to her. Arika had woken up in what seemed to be headquarters and a lab. She stepped forward, but banged her head against glass. Wires everywhere, medication and many other scientific things around her were there. Eusine stood there in front of her as well and she tried calling his name, but then he pulled a switch and everything in Arika's body felt like electricity.All Rights Reserved