16 year old Shelby Thompson lives in Springville, Utah with her mother and father, three brothers and a sister.
Shelby went to church every Sunday, and Ky, a boy in her Sunday-School class and in her high school, started to date.
Their relationship was getting stronger and stronger, but on the day of their graduation, Ky gets in a car crash, and dies. Shelby is heartbroken at the news, and believes that she can never love again.
As her last year of high school comes around, Shelby hears rumors spread that a new boy has come to town and goes to their school.
Shelby is great at making new friends, so she plans on meeting the new boy at a coffee shop. She waits until a boy walks up to her, announcing he is the new kid. His eyes are icy blue, his skin is a little darker than Shelby's, and he has shaggy dark brown hair. He announces to her that his name is Alex and he comes from Boston, Massachusetts.
Shelby is mesmerized at the cute boy, and she somehow makes through the day with a new friend.
Later on, they start to get more and more friendly, until prom rolls around. All the girls woo over Alex. They flirt with him, get all quirky, and try to make him like them.
Shelby is then angered by this, but lets them do what they want, but what she doesn't know is that Alex wants to take HER to prom.
Two days before the prom, Alex asks her, and she says yes.
On the night, Alex accidentally reveals a deep secret that he held on to for a couple of years. Will Shelby accept him for who he is, or will she turn him down and leave? Find out in 'Deep Secret.'
Thank you for loving me Addy ~Kitty POV~
You're so very special to me Kitty ~Addy POV~
Tommy White is very special because he was born with special powers called telekinesis which mean that he can move things with his mind. Tommy live with his oldest twin brother Robin and their cruel father Simon.
Tommy is bullied at school by Sauli who is the most popular guy in the high school and he love making Tommy life miserable.
Issac who's one of Sauli friends get really tired of making fun of Tommy and so after Sauli make Tommy cried, Issac tell Sauli that they're no longer friends and he goes off searching for Tommy. When Issac find Tommy he apologized for being mean to him and they becomes best friends.
After gaining his first true friend Tommy meet Adam who is the most popular guy in school as well but unlike Sauli who's mean Adam is a total sweetheart and he asks Tommy to the prom and Tommy say yes.
Sauli overheard the conversation and he's very angry because he had been crushing on Adam since freshman year and so he plan a prank on Tommy at the prom.
Once everything is all set for the prank and when Sauli saw that Adam and Tommy had won prom kings he pull onto the rope and pigs blood began falling down onto both Adam and Tommy.
Everyone began laughing extremely hard at Tommy. Tommy is extremely shock at what just happened but as soon as he overcome his shock a dark force take over him and he killed every single person.
It's reveal that Adam is pregnant and as Tommy is slowly dying in Adam arms he tell Adam to look after their child and he died peacefully.
Adam visit Tommy grave and he glared at the message that's written and he place a white flower on the grave and as he is leaving a loud scream is heard.
Is Tommy really dead.
~Based off of Stephen King Carrie~