I am faith, I have faith, I live through faith. I broke the rules. Living in fear that I'll be REJECTED for what I've done, I've broken even more rules and hurt more people. Being a REJECT is like being called an outcast, a poisoned killer. It is social suicide to be a REJECT. In my world time travel is real, no one is allowed to return to a time once they have left. I haven't followed every rule. THEY keep track of us by codes scratched in to our arms. Everyone in the society has a code. Our scars never heel, but If we are lucky like me we can learn to conceal our bar codes and travel to a time more then once. I have seen family a great amount of times, though I am not permitted to. I have seen them, but they have not seen me. I am afraid. Is life over for me? I AM FAITH. I WILL WIN. WE WILL RISE UP. NO ONE WILL PERISH. I have not ended life for everyone, YET! I will not, "Fall to pieces, as a chosen one."