This whole story begins with a heartbreak. Vegeta Ouji, a serious twenty-four year old boy who is going through a difficult time in his life, has broken up with his partner. He is broken into a thousand pieces, hurting and all he wants is to get over this stormy patch. His friend, Bulma Briefs, encourages him to go out one night to cheer him up. However, that same night, the brunette meets a boy with an air of grandeur and domination. Son Kakarot makes the dark-haired boy fall at his feet. His perverse gaze, his hot body and that curved smile that transmits the desire to sin, make Vegeta unable to resist his net. The businessman gets everything he wants, even if his life is at stake. Ouji will give in to his strange and salacious way of giving affection, not knowing that it was made of torment and a lot of rancour. His heart was rotten, his mind was no longer sane, and Vegeta had added to that inner madness. "Do you want more of me, Vegeta?" asked the wig-walker in whispers drowned in a sea of pleasure. "I want more..., much more, Son Goku" said the flame-haired man, who was moaning softly. WARNING This is a FAN-FIC, meaning it is a completely fictional story. Nothing that is written here corresponds to the original Dragon Ball story. It all takes place in an alternate setting within a fictional universe. It will be a story in which homosexual relationships are the protagonists, so it is not exempt from adult content and its content is intended for an audience over eighteen years of age. If you are a minor, please do so at your own risk. REMINDER, this is a fictional story made by fans for fans. All rights reserved to Akira Toriyama. Translation made by Deepl.All Rights Reserved
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