Meet Usoko Tachibana, a high school student, and also a magical girl? After a fateful night at her school, Tsukiyomi Academy, Usoko is suddenly thrust into a hidden world inside her own inhabited by monsters, alongside new found powers gained from a Yokai Crystal. Working as a new recruit for the organization GARDNA, Usoko, as well as Emiko, Rei, and Nonami; embark on all sorts of adventures to protect both human and monster-kind alike, such as saving Usoko's little sister from a kidnapping Banshee, to helping a Yuki-Onna recover her lost memories. However, the looming threat of the shadowy Ahrimanes hangs over the world, seeking dominion over both humans and monsters, will Usoko and her new friends stop him before it's too late? Synopsis by: Ezekiel Nigma Cover by: Akagi