Everybody has a story. Sad, blissful, and beautiful recollections included, yet not one of them lasts forever.
Life resembles a fast track, on which you can't simply stand regardless of whether you are worn out, yet you need to propel yourself forward to be in the line of those individuals who are additionally battling with their lives very much like you.
Consider the possibility that you will stand in the race.
You won't just lose but become old, very much like an old house which can't be moved for years, perhaps centuries.
By understanding the consequences of not pushing ahead, you currently propel yourself even despite your desire to the contrary.
Since you would rather not become like an old house.
This is the narrative of Skye Johnson, who needed to carry on with a superior basic life, but was struggling every second to find that fulfilment she at any point needed to feel.
Luck or felicity is not for everyone, and some people spend their entire lives attempting to obtain the better life they desire. Certain individuals, as of now, have everything except they still don't recognise what blessings they have. They have even more cravings in them. We can say that they have the voracity to have control over everyone.
Skye never required an extravagant life, yet the best simple one.
As we all understand, the ideal life is a deception. It doesn't exist. It's only something from the books.