'' please, follow the rules if you are a human! 1: wear a watch and remember DON'T TAKE IT OFF! 2: DO NOT! and when i say DO NOT, i mean don't.. interact with the floating eyes, but some are acceptable. 3: if you come into the palace, DON'T CRY! y7o wi11 r3gr%t i!.. 4: watch out for Mother, she will always be watching! 5: please do not harm any creature as well.. Let's say, make you one of us.. 6: as the other rule, don't hurt the animals as well, the owners will attack and ki11 you. 7: only call the nurses and doctors like, Doctor. ??? or Nurse. ??? 8: respect lbgtq+ or Mother will attack! That's all! have a good time here! ''
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