Mary-Lylith, an introverted young high school student in a reputable school, has very particular family problems: her parents have been divorced since she was 5 years old, her mother lives in France with her new husband and her new daughter, her father lives in another remote region with his new wife, and she lives in the capital under the guardianship of an alcoholic governess and her two children. Even though her father watches over her a lot materially and financially, Mary-Lylith still feels very lonely and has to face a lot of difficult situations alone without her two parents. In order to drown her pain and her loneliness, she will decide to take a little kitten that she will name Noisette, and will focus primarily on her studies. The story focuses on the daily life of a young teenager who faces the world of high school in all its adversities: family, youth, studies, social problems, love affairs, depression. Along the lines, we will notice that Mary-Lylith tries desperately to get closer to her two parents but they already have other more important concerns somewhere else.