pLEaSE rEaD thIs tO wAstE WhOEvEr iS rEaDiNg thIs stUPiDLy lOnG tIMe- wAstiNg BoOk. WaRnInG: -thIs wiLl bE veRY STupID -IT WIlL loOK SO vErY WeIrD -it wiLl Be So STuPiD SInCe ThIs is tHe dEsCriPTiOn, I WIlL aDd lESS TImE-wAsTiNg StuFf SO yEaH ThIs iS GoInG to PrObABLy vERy lONG. thIs iS A bOoK wrItTeN FoR FUn. aNd PLEaSae ReAd tHe whole tHInG Of tHiS StupiD nOt neCEsSARY boOK.All Rights Reserved