Things over time happen to change. People change. I changed. Our mind set changes as well. I remember the day the whole world changed. It wasn't evolution. Evolution is slow and takes time. This new world didn't take time, it was abrupt. It all started in the teen years. That is when we all change I suppose. Some of us change into glorious people, others change into pitying people. And others fade. I suppose the angel that called me, Doesn't want to see me, Falling into oblivion, Never to see again. But then again the angel that once called to me, Was forever calling, It still loved me, But with that love was a certain hate. The people that once loved me, stopped loving me. The ones I once hated now I did love. The people who I once knew I forgot and those who didn't know me remembered. This is what changes a life. When everything you know goes reverse.