Cover art by Mayloony_ on twt! How this happened and scheduling! just like the title this is a bunch of oneshots of beeduo! i decided that in a small sever with me, my s/o, and 3 of my friends (two of those friends dont talk much in the server), that me and my s/o love to write and roleplay so we (ahem I) wanted to make shorts of our role playing (nothing in the roleplay changes in the story). this might be the book i update the most in depending on how much we decide to go through with all of it. there might be a lot or a little depending on the schedule but ill talk to them about it. To tomz thank you s/o (tomz) if you're reading this feel free to tell me to change something or if you didn't like it ill do something to change it Tws and request! if there are tw they will be at the top depending on if i want to keep it to just the things we say in roleplay (because those most likely wont have any tw's) or if i want to add other aus. if i do, do that, then i'll probably take requests or make up something random that pops up in my head. More about requests! feel free to ask anything i'll most likely do it depending on what mental state im in! ill be fine doing anything really. im always down to write something depending on school hours and time talking with people, but other than that ill be happy to see requests!Public Domain