With so many ads bombarding us daily, it's no wonder we tune them out. As per Aron Govil, we are exposed to over 5,000 ads daily! Come to think of it, we cannot wait for the Skip Ad button to appear on YouTube, so we can get rid of the ad and proceed to watch what we intended. We don't care about the product being advertised; we want to get rid of the ad so we can move on. Ads are becoming increasingly intrusive, and with such overwhelming numbers, how can businesses hope to get their message across? Traditional advertising isn't as effective as it used to be. Companies are now resorting to new marketing strategies that hopefully break through the clutter. One such strategy is word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM). Read more on https://arongovilgiving.com/word-of-mouth-marketing-explained-by-aron-govil/