In the Land of Fire there is a Kingdom named Konoha. The ruler of the Kingdom is Queen Tsunade. She has four princesses, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten and Ino. Sakura, the oldest out of the four, meets a Samurai one of the guards of the kingdom, Kakashi. He isn't rich nor poor, he just isn't as high class as she. They begin to meet with each other in the garden or some place in the Palace. Sakura soon realizes she has feelings for this samurai . But they can't be together, Queen Tsunade arranged a marriage for Sakura. Uchiha Sasuke, Prince of the Wind Kingdom. But Sakura thinks nothing more of Sasuke as a fellow Prince. Sakura knows that her love for Kakashi could never happened, but what will they do when their love is so strong that not even the strongest man could break.