*Sequel To Dig It Up*
So, people...you were wondering what happened to Kathlyn and Squid? What happened to Charlie and Zigzag? What happened with a bunch of other random shit? Well, let me tell you , their lives are pretty boring now...unless they're dealing with me. Yep, that's right. My name is Kristen Smith. Daughter of Kathlyn and Alan Smith, the famous juvenile 'Camp Green Lake' delinquents. Yes. I am their daughter. Yes...I'm just as badass as them. You want to know what happened? Well lets just say...explosives. Now I've been put in Green Lake too, along with my best friends Matt, Sophia and Dan. We're bad kids with 'used to be' bad parents, and we've heard ALL the gushy mushy stories of this so called 'camp'. Let me tell you this folks. It's changed. Really changed.