Dedication of the story of in-numarable field workers fighting for conservation of Nature, scientific free thinking and sustainability motivated from Miss Brantland , and WWF and gren peace. Special dedication to all equal genders, Manobi di, Tista, my friend , Sarrmishtha researching on transgender studies , my friend Asish Ghosh and the girl whose love I lost in the tears croud. Dyuti spoted with his spit boat through deep sky in search of Loona, her friend, spit is manouver the boat with the specially coated body of the boat which use attraction repulsion of the electro-magnetic fields and gravity lines. she manouver from bigger particle and wave filled deep sky to smaller sub atomic space, she found her dolphin class spit boat .... then A science thriller from the colloidal point of view of a film director and a script writer . Point of views remain chemically independent when thought . Cinematic story is The Second , english version second part of the sequel started with Nadir Naam ti Poushali in Bengali language. Please take note that maglev or electromagnetic levitation used now for rail transport in USA, China... When science is in action everybody spellbound with the imagination unbound of scientific thinking . Future.. This is requested to translet the Bengali words even sentences purposefully and Google where audience feel doubt that something is not completely imaginary. Use of hieroglyphics and other old language is also to be goggled. Basics of filming or cinematography with tips on still photography punched for more #cinematique while imagining the scenes during reading the book. Digital promotion of the book in social media by the author Subhabrata Chowdhury supporting the visualisations of imagination. *Author is not responsible for any coincidental similarity with any name, place or happening for this completely imaginary novel for all ages. My request is not to use the book as #textbook . This is just a #story #book
40 parts