I stood in a field of sunflowers, the breeze whistling though the air. The grass prickled at my feet, causing me to laugh softly. As I continued to walk across the almost overwhelmingly large field, sunflowers stood high next to me. A narrow, beatdown path was placed within the vibrant yellow flowers. I dragged my hand through the petals, feeling free. That was until the flowers behind me began to decay at my path. I turned around surprised only to see the once beautiful blue sky and green grass forming into a dusty mist. The earth began to crack before my very eyes, a wild wind and rubble carrying through the air. My mouth fell open with surprise, my adrenaline picking up. I turned back around and began to run through the quickly decaying path. Suddenly I was on the ground, my face being met with dull green grass. When I looked behind me, my legs were slowly disappearing. The sight looked like it would be unbearably painful, however you sensed a lack of feeling. Soon your vision was gone and replaced with a spiky blonde boy shaking you, fear readable on his face.
-Some sexual jokes
It's not gonna fully match up with the show.