Hello! This is my first wattpad and im planning to make this veryyyy long over the course of a very long time. Im planning to make this story about my AU and basing other events off of things that have happened in other storys of mine and so on. But, if you would like to see this happen I need your help, how? Well I am bad at coming up with many ideas fast so I need your help and make a request in the comments about what to write about and I will bend it to fit my story! Or even just going into the comments to give me feed back is also very useful! TWings: Death Swearing (Possibly more as I make this story + if one of ur triggers is on here I will be adding the triggers that are in there at the start if you still wanna read some as not every story is gonna have every trigger) Rules for requests: -No nsfw please! -No asking for people to cheat please (But you may ask for them to break up as long as it make sense and I wanna do it) -Nothing that doesnt make much sense (Aka like scp 682 becoming nice or whatever) -I do have the right to refuse to do someone's request if I do not wanna to it even if it fix's within the rules -Less of a rule but still, please read the story (or at least the newer ones) so you know whats going on before requesting something More rules may be added Epic people who have gave requests: None lol Ships that are going on now: Bright x Gerald Ships im planning: Clef x Kondraki Iceberg x GearsVšechna práva vyhrazena